Kotahi is Open Infrastructure

Influence the roadmap for development or contribute directly through open source.

Gain the benefit of a community with similar interests solving similar problems with the same software.

No licence fees and no lock in; take the software wherever you want, whenever you want.

Service Models:

Fully managed service

  • Publish in any model including PRC, Preprints, Diamond OA etc.

  • Co-create your workflow with us and our publishing experts

  • A single fee for an end-to end publishing solution including; submission, editorial and production services, peer review management, dissemination and maintenance and support of your website

Managed infrastructure

  • Leave the management and support of the publishing workflow, website and dissemination to us while you configure and run the editorial process

  • Hosted with our low-cost, shared infrastructure

You run it, but we’re here to help

  • Use our editorial and publishing experts to set up and configure your workflow

  • Get help from our technology teams to run your system on your own servers or cloud infrastructure