Open Scholarly Practices.

Lets look at Open Scholarship from a birds eye view.

Open Science: Is a broad concept encompassing open access, open data, and other open practices like open peer review and open notebook science. The goal is to make scientific research and its dissemination accessible to all levels of society with a focus on transparency, sharing, and inclusivity.
External Reading: Centre of Open Science: What is Open Science?

Open data: Is the practice of making data freely available to the public for anyone to access, use, and share. It is made available through open data repositories and is accompanied by an open licence specifying how the data can be reused and redistributed. 
External Reading: Open Data Handbook: What is Open Data?

Open Methodologies: Is the practice of making research methods, processes, and protocols openly accessible and shareable. It involves sharing the detailed steps, tools, and techniques used in a research project to enhance transparency, reproducibility, and collaboration.
External Reading: Open Research Manchester: Sharing Open Methodologies

Open Peer Review: Is the practice of making the peer review process more transparent. There are different ways the peer review model can be adapted to be open, including  making reviewer and author identities open (to varying degrees), publishing review reports and enabling greater participation in the peer review process. 
External Reading: What is open peer review? A systematic review

Open Notebooks: Is the practice of making the primary record of a research project publicly available online as it is recorded. This includes a researcher's personal or laboratory notebook, along with all raw and processed data, and any associated material.
External Reading: Introduction to Open Notebook Science

Open Education: Is the practice of making educational resources freely accessible and reusable. It involves sharing educational materials, such as textbooks, courseware, and learning materials, without restrictions or fees.
External Reading: - What is Open Education?

Open Source Software: Is the practice of making computer software with its source code made publicly available for use, modification, and redistribution. This means anyone can access, study, change, and distribute the software freely.
External Reading: Red Hat: What is Open Source?